COW     CAMEL   LLAMA

These animals are great help to people in older days and today.
  1. CAMELs  ---> Desert animals who stay for many days without food and water.
  2. DONKEYs ---> They are strong and used to carry loads and pull carts.
  3. COWs        ---> Cow gives us milk. Baby cow is called CALF.
  4. HORSEs    ---> They are used to pull carts or plough. Baby horse is called FOAL.
  5. TURKEYs ---> They are big birds and sounds GOBBLE_GOBBLE!.
  6. SHEEP      ---> They give us wool to make sweaters and cloth.
  7. YAKs        ---> They are used to carry loads. In Asia they are used for milk.
  8. DUCKs      ---> They live near water. Baby duck is called DUCKLING.
  9. LLAMA     ---> South Americans use them to carry heavy loads.
  10. CHICKEN  ---> They give us eggs to eat.
  11. GOAT        ---> They give us milk. They eat tough leaves and grass.
  12. PIG            ---> They love to dig soilwith their snouts. Baby pig is called PIGLET.