Coral reefs are made of skeletons of millions of tiny coral animals.
  1. LION FISH  ---> It's a beautiful fish but has poison spines on its back.
  2. GIANT CLAMs ---> Huge shellfish which can be a metre across.
  3. CLOWNFISH        ---> Sea anemone have poison tentacles to protect from enemies.
  4. SEA SLUGs    ---> Sea slugs feed on coral.
  5. MANDARIN FISH ---> They hide among corals and feed on smaller fish.
  6. SEA ANEMONES      ---> They look like plants and have poison tentacles.
  7. WEEDY SEA DRAGON        ---> They look like weeds and so enemies cannot see it.
  8. PARROT FISH      ---> They have sharp mouth like a beak and eat coral.
  9. STARFISH     ---> The crown of thors starfish eats coral and destroys coral reefs.
  10. STONEFISH  ---> They have poison spines. It hides in sea bed.