Aa  Bb  Cc  Dd  Ee  Ff  Gg  Hh  Ii  Jj  Kk  Ll  Mm  Nn  Oo  Pp  Qq  Rr  Ss  Tt  Uu  Vv  Ww  Xx  Yy  Zz

It is breakfast time.
I am eating in a clean bowl and plate with clean fork, knife and spoon.
Coffee is done in coffee-machine, kettle has warm water for tea.
Mummy has poured tea in teapot for us.
Mummy has poured tea in her cup and coffee in Pappa's mug.
I will drink a glass of milk and eat cereal .
My brother will eat bread with jam and honey and a glass of orange juice.
My sister will eat yogurt and bread.
Then we will  Help Mummy to clean up!